
布兰登弗雷泽是正式获得奥斯卡提名。当2023年奥斯卡提名1月23日宣布,弗雷泽的最佳男演员提名他的角色在2022年的“鲸鱼”。It marks the very first time he's been nominated for an Academy Award.



2022年12月POPSUGAR说话弗雷泽说,他是骄傲的“鲸鱼”的“移情的深度。”"It's a man who lives alone in a two-bedroom apartment in anywhere Idaho, and it's a story that's played out behind closed doors all over the country, all over the world, and we still very often dismiss people who live with obesity for reasons that are just unfair, and we can do better," he said. "And I think that this film is a step in that direction because you're challenged as an audience to reorient the way that you feel compared to what you thought you knew when you walked in the door, as opposed to the story's end. We're gonna change some hearts and minds with this one."