
只是几分钟的第一集第6季“黑镜子”,名为“琼是可怕的,”标题的字符-墨菲扮演的安妮走进一家酒吧前男友见面。轻轻地在后台,音乐戏剧,歌手轻哼,“你可以怪我,试图羞辱我。”The song isn't really important to the scene, or even the overall episode plot, but eagle-eared fans of the long-running technology-is-terrifying series from Charlie Brooker certainly may recognize it.

跟踪1964年问题是一个歌曲由厄玛托马斯,最初写的珍妮希利·和兰迪·纽曼(《玩具总动员》的曲调而闻名),叫“谁知道什么是爱(理解)。”It is also a favorite of the "Black Mirror" team: "Joan Is Awful" is the sixth episode of the series that the song has appeared in — it pops up once a season.

观众第一次听到它的季节一个“一千五百万”优点当Abi(杰西卡·布朗芬德利)唱它在浴室里,引发一连串的事件,导致这一事件的高潮。它的下一个特殊事件中使用“白色圣诞节”,然后在第三季的“男人反对火。”We hear it again in "Crocodile" from season four and in season five's Miley Cyrus–helmed episode, "Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too."

不只是巧合。在2018年的一次采访中的包装布鲁克说,这首歌原本是选“一千五百万优点”,因为“它永恒的声音令人难忘的经典,然而大多数观众不熟悉。”Co-showrunner Annabel Jones explained that its frequent use after that was Brooker's way "of nesting all the episodes together in an artistic universe of sorts." Jones also confirmed that the song is really just "an Easter egg."


