

几乎自2014年首映以来,球迷的简圣母有理论的“拉丁情人旁白。”While it's known在现实生活中他的声音吗多米尼加人声音演员安东尼·门德斯-很多人怀疑,最后,他会发现简的生活中是重要的人。虽然我个人一直偏爱的想法叙述者的神秘身份将阿尔巴的已故丈夫和简的祖父,噩马特奥,看着每个人,系列的结局最后确认的实际旁白是:简的成人版本的儿子,马特奥!

这是第一次嘲笑回到第三季大结局,当Xiomara即将Rogelio和阿尔巴和简正在帮助她准备结婚的仪式。阿尔巴告诉女儿她有多爱她,说,“如果你父亲还活着,我知道他会很自豪的女人。”Then we cut to the wedding and the narrator says, "She looked perfect, at least to the people who loved her most — which includes me." From then on it was obvious that the narrator had to be someone close to the family, right?

都是在本系列的最后一个场景之一。马特奥,简和拉斐尔的婚礼期间,安娜,埃尔莎给甜阅读有关爱。当轮到马特奥,他看他的奶奶一眼(又名罗赫略的妈妈又名王后丽塔•莫里诺)和尖叫,“爱让你是谁你想要!”As everyone laughs, he turns to Jane and says, "I practiced with Great Glam-ma; she said I'd be great at voice-over work."

当一个潇洒,不同的男性声音从天上打断说,“和备案,我。”Then the voice transitions back into the narrator's usual accent, saying, "But I'm getting ahead of myself." So, there you have it! Mateo grows up to be a voice-over actor and narrator. When you consider that Jane's second book will likely be turned into a show within the show given her final comment ("They make it into a telenovela"), it makes total sense that Mateo might be the one to serve as its narrator in the future.

