


“你看过英语食物吗?”Colbert retorted. "You guys have savory puddings! I will not take culinary critique from a country that has a kidney pie." Craig's biggest gripe with stuffing is mainly in its preparation, seeing as the herby bread pieces are "stuffed up the a**" of a turkey before cooking in the oven, as he so eloquently described. "I think it should be cooked separately. It's good, but I don't think you should bring it anywhere near the bird," Craig continued.


科尔伯特勇敢地试图让克雷格填料上,考虑他的坚定立场,但是“没有时间去死”明星仍然坚称他“太复杂”。“太复杂,把湿面包里面一只鸟吗?”Colbert asked, voicing what all stuffing-lovers might be thinking. But even the late-night host was willing to concede that it can be a strange food to cook, saying, "I will admit that it feels disturbing when you're doing it, if you're doing it right." Watch the full video above and let us know where you stand on the great stuffing debate of 2022.