


皮肤科医生莎丽博士Marchbein纽约的市中心的皮肤病说,尽管有许多不同类型的填料,最流行的透明质酸的抗酸,因为他们解散。“你的身体消化和降解,所以这些都是永久性的,”Marchbein博士说。如果病人在他们的嘴唇填料,摆脱看起来最简单的方法是等它自然溶解- 6到12个月。但是如果有人必须摆脱填料,统计——最明显的例子是如果他们的程序是拙劣当医生不小心触及血管而注入——他们可以用注射透明质酸酶分解它。

“透明质酸酶是一种酶,这种酶的自然中发现的身体,”她解释说,他指出,这两个主要公司注入被称为Vitrace和Hylenex。“如果有人买方的悔恨与填料,之后我们可以使用这些迅速撤销的影响。”Dr. Marchbein also said that while you can inject hyaluronidase at any time post-op, it's best to wait a few weeks after you first get the treatment. "You might notice swelling and bruising at first, but it will go down in a few weeks," she said. "However, if you're in a panic and want it out right away, you can certainly do that." Because of this, longtime filler-philes might not be able to totally reverse the effects with just one shot.

虽然Marchbein不治疗詹纳博士,她说,根据照片,她猜,恒星的嘴唇可能是免费的“50 - 90%的(填料)。”It's important to note that your body produces its own hyaluronic acid, so when you attack the kind that comes from filler, you're also breaking down what you've naturally made. Hey, beauty may be pain, but at least in this case, it's also reversible.