
这些S ' mores熟食店董事会是完美的秋季

这些S ' mores熟食店的董事会将会使你的后院篝火大量文件次更好

我从不掩饰我对爱芝士,当人们问“咸或甜吗?”I always choose salty, but after stumbling across these s'mores boards on Instagram, I'm rethinking everything. Perhaps it's the boards with the golden brown marshmallows that have me hooked? Or maybe it's the ones with the melted chocolate? And don't even get me started on that one with Nutella! Everything about these delicious concoctions look good, especially heading into fall where there will be bonfires aplenty. Imagine sitting around the campfire with your friends and casually presenting one of these甜蜜的美好吗?你是有史以来最好的主机。尽管我永远不会拒绝一个好的奶酪板,我不得不说即使是咸的女孩像我这样可以转换板。看看未来的董事会和获取一些灵感!
