

在她的演讲中,斯威夫特时刻感谢她的合作者,包括威廉·鲍厄里,也就是她的男朋友,乔·阿尔文。”乔,他是第一个人,我玩每一个我写的歌,我有最好的时间写歌与你隔离,”她在她的演讲中说。她还花了一会儿喊出朋友布莱克·莱弗利和瑞安·雷诺兹,她孩子的名字中使用的歌曲“开襟羊毛衫,”“八月”和“贝蒂”。"I want to thank James, Inez, and Betty and their parents who are the second and third people that I play every new song that I write," she added. She finished off by thanking her fans for all of their support over the years. "Mostly we want to thank the fans," she said. "You guys met us in this imaginary world that we created, and we can't tell you how honored we are forever by this."
