
Cailee Spaeny雅各Elordi走进一些标志性的鞋是普里西拉和猫王在索菲亚·科波拉的普里西拉的适应1985年的回忆录中,“猫王和我。”The film, "Priscilla," which Coppola wrote and directed, will be distributed by A24 in North America. Coppola is also known for "The Virgin Suicides" and "Marie Antoinette," and previously worked with A24 on "On the Rocks" and "The Bling Ring." The real Priscilla Presley also serves as an executive producer on the film, and she has voiced her support for the project multiple times.








“普里西拉”将在威尼斯电影节上首映9月 4和将于10月27日上映。


各种首次报道Spaeny Elordi铸造9月12日,2022年。Spaeny最出名的是她的角色在“Easttown母马”和“El皇家糟糕的时期,”而Elordi恒星“兴奋”并且出现在“接吻亭”。





然后,在8月23日采访《好莱坞记者报》,普里西拉再次把她支持科波拉。“我很紧张,因为这是我的生活,”她说的电影。“看的人,他们与你一起生活,和你希望和祈祷,他们得到它。他们得到你的感情,你的伤害,你的敏感。”Ultimately, though, Priscilla said she trusts Coppola with her story. ". . .I just got who she was and I felt that she could get me," she said. Citing the fact that Coppola also grew up in the orbit of a larger-than-life artist — her father, Francis Ford Coppola — Priscilla said she felt Coppola could understand some of what she went through. "I thought, we have different stories, but she could understand this better than any writer because she kind of lived it in her own way," Priscilla added.

然而,猫王的财产还没有批准。6月房地产砰的传记片,告诉第六页这部电影是“可怕的”和“抢钱”。Coppola also told The Hollywood Reporter that the estate did not grant her the rights to Elvis's music. "They don't like projects that they haven't originated, and they're protective of their brand," she said. "But that made us be more creative."