
人民行动党香奈儿谈到Paptivities EP和她的音乐生涯


人民行动党香奈儿和她准备冲击世界最新的EP,“Paptivities。”After a nearly two-year gap between 2021's "Pretty & Paid 2.0" and her new six-track project, released May 12, the rising rapper tells POPSUGAR why she took her time crafting "Paptivities" — and why the EP sounds vastly different from her previous releases. "On this project right here, every song sounds completely different," Chanel explains. "I have one song where I'm telling my fans all my business. I'm super excited for that one because people don't really get to hear transparency from artists. This is a record where I got really vulnerable and talked about the good, bad, and the ugly."

记录的问题是EP的刀,“巴氏故事,”一个香奈儿的内省跟踪饶舌歌从穿着“战争创伤”仇敌怀疑她。正如所承诺的,每一个其他的歌“Paptivities”采用不同的风格——club-banger“左右”旋律“思想游戏”和“夏季”(以弗雷多爆炸)trap-inspired“将军”。But one of the most meaningful releases off "Paptivities," Chanel says, is "Who's Bad" — a modern update to Trina's "Da Baddest B*tch," featuring the Diamond Princess herself.

“我知道这将是一个传奇的时刻因为她是抽样记录和她,“香奈儿兴奋地股票特瑞纳的浮雕,并补充说这是她的第一位女性特征。这位23岁的有进取心的人说蒂娜一直支持她的这些年来,他们经常闲逛,当机会出现让嘻哈先锋跳上一首歌,“我只是拍摄星星。”For Chanel, it was "amazing" to be stamped by one of her rap inspirations.

香奈儿,Jaida香奈儿罗比出生,来自米利奇维尔的小镇,GA -有些远南方的嘻哈麦加,亚特兰大,但知道她是注定要成为一位伟大的天才”。By age six, Chanel was already writing poetry. For the past few years, she's put in work with projects like 2018's "The Definition of P.A.P." and her "Pretty and Paid" series, as well as hot singles like "Talk 2 Cheap" and "Gucci Bucket Hat."


成长的过程中,香奈儿听传奇说唱皇后像狡猾的布朗,夏娃,小姑娘艾略特,尼基•米纳什,当然,蒂娜,在她的一个五个兄弟把她Tupac等有影响力的艺术家,臭名昭著的大,Lil Wayne,T.I.“他看到我对音乐的热爱,所以他确保我知道我需要知道的所有事情在音乐产业,“香奈儿股份她的兄弟姐妹。反过来,强劲的嘻哈基金会帮助她建立自信的声音使她和她的“相当和付费”运动。


“我只是准备他们说,‘哦,你b *业务信道。你留在这里。”

作为一个“真正的国家女孩”和自己的运动领袖,香奈儿说她的故事更加引人注目,因为“这是如此接近别人。”"I feel like ['Pretty and Paid'] puts me at the top of the food chain because I represent something other than being a rapper that's just talking sh*t," she continues, adding, "I feel like my movement is what's really going to help me push this to the next level as well because I'm preaching something in my lyrics uplifting and it's going to have some longevity."

成功地从她的“相当和付费”品牌,香奈儿希望她的新EP继续“把门砸开”,她的成长生涯。她甚至提供了一个警告,对于那些仍不支付她的注意:“每个人都需要怕我。”But as far as her dedicated listeners go, the rapper hopes "Paptivities" makes clear "for a fact that I'm taking this seriously and can be one of the greats." "I will be one of the greats," she declares. "I put a lot of time into this project and I'm ready to hear what they say about it because you can really hear the difference in my music; the growth of my music. I'm just ready for them to say, 'Oh, you that b*tch. You here to stay.'"
