

赛琳娜·戈麦斯,马丁短,史蒂夫·马丁——心爱的三人组的中心在建设“只有的谋杀”——打开2023 SAG颁奖典礼”在2月26日,完全没有其他候选人的关键想法的女妖Inisherin。”

“嘿,史蒂夫!”Short says at the beginning, meeting his friend in the "OMITB" dressing room. "Do you wanna watch the SAG Awards with me?" "No," Martin replies. Short asks him what's wrong, adding "You've been acting odd all day."

“我不想做朋友了,”马丁严肃地说。“什么?”Short asks. "But we've been best friends — well, pretend show-business best friends — for years. There's no one I feel fake closer to."

“你只需移动feckin椅子,”马丁说,使用Irish-inflected宣誓词从“女妖”。Short complies as Martin adds, "Move it all the way out of the feckin frame."

”框架的?Feck !”Short says. Martin responds, "Look, if you keep bothering me, I'm going to cut off all my fecking fingers" — i.e. the action taken by Brendan Gleeson's Colm in the film. Short replies, "But if you cut off your fingers, then you wouldn't be able to play the banjo anymore."

就在这时,戈麦斯的到来。“怎么了,史蒂夫?”Gomez asks. Martin hands her a sheet of paper. "Oh —你们都在同一个类别提名”,戈麦斯告诉他们。“我们是什么? !”Short asks, outraged. "I'll cut off more than your freakin' fingers, you pasty faced freak!" he yells, choking Martin.

“没关系,”戈麦斯安慰他们。“你们都显然会输。”The duo, of course, make up. And thank goodness, because more "OMITB" is on the way.
