
它是过早宣布2023年帕丽斯·希尔顿吗?“麦莉的新年派对”已经发送2022谢谢麦莉·赛勒斯与她的二重唱教母,多莉。帕顿和弗莱彻,但“拆迁”歌手带东西去一个全新的水平当新航和希尔顿加入她在舞台上唱希尔顿的00年代经典,“星星是盲目的。”Cyrus and Sia kicked off the performance on their own before Hilton showed up just in time to sing the final chorus.

如您所料,众人发狂了,但没有人比新航似乎更兴奋。“这是帕丽斯·希尔顿!”她喊道,希尔顿关闭这首歌。三人唱最后的注意,新航示意前电视真人秀明星,说,“女王!女王!”Meanwhile, Hilton wrapped up the unforgettable performance as only she could — by saying, "That's hot!"

希尔顿明确表示Instagram她是“摘要”她最好的生活。“昨晚后仍然在高!”她标题显示的照片的集合。“感觉好回到舞台上,周围是如此鼓舞人心这么多有才华的艺术家我看起来和感觉幸运打电话给我的朋友。2023年, I already love you! #StarsAreBlind #Sliving."

在第二篇文章中,DJ共享多少她喜欢唱歌赛勒斯和新航希望她的粉丝一个快乐新年。"I told you I had another surprise! I had so much fun singing #StarsAreBlind on @MileyCyrus' New Years Eve Special with Miley & @SiaMusic! The perfect way to ring in 2023 and celebrate my new version of this iconic song. I can't wait to show you all the other exciting things I'm working on. This is only the beginning! Happy new year! ," she captioned一个视频的性能。

本周早些时候,希尔顿发布一个更新版本的“盲恒星”,揭示了她计划在2023年释放更多的音乐。“惊喜!我只是放弃了一个更新版本的“恒星盲(巴黎的版本)。' Check it out exclusively on @AmazonMusic This song has always meant so much to me, it felt right to close out 2022 with a refreshed version," she wrote onInstagram。”,看到我的脸照亮了时代广场是如此的特别。感谢大家一直支持我的音乐生涯。I literally have the best fans on the planet and have loved seeing all of your posts about the new song. P.S. More new music to come in the new year."
