
金斯利Ben-Adir传奇音乐家和雷鬼音乐先锋鲍勃·马利在派拉蒙影业即将推出的传记片“鲍勃·马利:一个的爱。”The "One Night in Miami" breakout star was announced to portray the famed Jamaican artist in February 2022 in a film expected to celebrate the life and legacy of Marley — and we finally have a first look at his transformation.

派拉蒙掉第一个预告片的电影7月6日,账单是马利的克服困境的“强大的故事和他的革命音乐背后的旅程。”The film is directed by "King Richard" director Reinaldo Marcus Green, with "King Richard" writer Zach Baylin behind the screenplay. The project was produced in partnership with the Marley family, which was crucial for Green; Marley's son Ziggy is one of the film's producers.

“瑞格和家人的祝福,是这艘船的管家对我来说是重要的,因为我知道我想获得的东西金宝搏app不是在公共领域:真正的对话和记忆的人有在房间里,”格林说《娱乐周刊》给这部电影的真实性。瑞格说,做父亲的传记电影是“激动人心和情感。”He added: "I was very focused on making sure that we represented him right, and being given that responsibility to help Reinaldo was a very serious thing for me. We explored different elements of Bob that people don't know, different emotions that he went through. I actually learned some stuff, too. As someone who was there in this time period, it brings back a lot of memories and things that were hidden inside of me before. It was a very emotional journey."










