
目前佩德罗·帕斯卡可能指挥聚光灯下,但他的实际行动支持或小角色很长一段时间,他甚至一度出现在一个特别心爱的“90年代系列:《吸血鬼猎人。”On the show, Pascal played a character named Edward who befriended Sarah Michelle Gellar's Buffy on her first day of college. Though his character was quickly killed off, it seems like he and Gellar made good impressions on each other on set. On Feb. 28, Gellar posted a photo onInstagram自己从他的外表和帕斯卡,随着标题“当#母亲遇到#父亲。”

在首映式的红地毯迪斯尼+ ' s“曼达洛”第三季,记者显示帕斯卡位居的文章,和帕斯卡似乎兴奋,告诉今晚娱乐他记得“一切”时间“巴菲”。"I remember [Gellar] had ice cream in her trailer, and she gave me some," he said. "She went back to her trailer, she got me some ice cream and she shared — 'cause it was a night shoot, it was in the middle of the night, and we were on the UCLA campus. They hadn't built their college sets yet. . . . I remember everything. I could go on, and on and on. I could give you step by step, every detail. I had to have lunch in the vamp mask, and vamp face. And she was incredibly kind. She taught me how to use a sandbag to hit my mark. She was the best."



位居后对他的评论在since-expired Instagram的故事,她标题所说的,“如果我能忘记你(Pascal)。每我崇拜你。《今日美国》。她还reshared娱乐今晚面试在3月2日她的故事。
