
猫的包,或者丢弃是(亲爱的埃文·汉森球迷,我说的对吗?),如前埃文·汉森本·普拉特挪亚加尔文是约会。本起源于2016年埃文·汉森在百老汇的角色,而诺亚在2017年接管了角色。一个可爱地轻浮的笑,诺亚打破了新闻播客与莱文Ilana鲜为人知的事实说,“本和我约会。”While Ilana had known about their relationship since Ben appeared on the podcast, Noah mentioned that he asked Ben about whether or not the public could know ― to which Ben said (I imagine with a shrug), "Don't go into our nitty gritty, but yeah, people can know."

在面试的时候,诺亚提到在过去的三个月,本“非常甜美”放在一起为他生日视频中“所有(诺亚)最喜欢的变装皇后RuPaul拖竞赛在阻力和超越”和他的“朋友”祝诺亚“生日快乐。”While the relationship itself is "still relatively new," Noah and Ben have been good friends for a long time. They were introduced by Molly Gordon, who you may recognize fromBooksmart,做了一组2019年万圣节服装与她和豆豆费尔德斯坦吗
