
别惹哈莉·贝瑞。演员和两个孩子的母亲迅速关闭一个恨你但是又批评她分享一个裸体照片在56岁。4月8日,贝瑞享受晴朗的下午,剥离下来她赤身裸体,啜饮一杯酒在她的阳台上,作为一个。She documented the blissful moment by posting a picture on Instagram with the caption, "i do what i wanna do. happy Saturday." Her friends were quick to hype her up in the comments, with Meagan Good writing, "Big Leo energy. ThatPart," and Kelly Rowland chiming in with a simple "YES!!!!"

然而,在Twitter上,一位反对者带在自己bash贝瑞显然缺乏“尊严”。"Imagine being in your 50s, still posting nudes for attention in menopause when you should be chilling with the grandkids. Aging with dignity is no longer a thing,"他们推4月9日。(插入眼睛卷。看到unasked-for反馈,贝瑞转发微博的形式用自己的机智反应一个随机的事实。“你们知道虾的心脏位于它的头?”明星since-deleted推特中写道。换句话说,他们的意见完全无关,她并没有因为试图带她下来。

