
乔伊王是回家过年的。而是告诉她的未婚夫提前,史蒂文饶舌的人,她决定给他惊喜。“接吻亭”演员共享他的反应和他们的后续团聚在一个甜蜜的Instagram画廊在12月22号开拍。“我惊讶史蒂文相隔一个月后,idk男人,这些照片让我的眼睛湿了,”她在她的标题中写道。“大家节日快乐。”In the pictures, King walks towards a clearly stunned Piet, who's left staring with his mouth open and arms held out in disbelief. King laughs at his astonishment and the two share a tight embrace, the final snap capturing Piet's look of pure adoration.

饶舌的人,最初在《国王的“,”国王主演的吉普赛布兰查德和饶舌的人担任制片人。根据6月27日出现在“Jimmy Kimmel生活”王终于找到勇气表达她的兴趣Piet系列结束后,幸运的是,这是回报。”我高兴的是,他也很感兴趣!所以现在我们要结婚了,”她说。

这一对订婚了2022年2月在他们结婚三周年纪念日。说的她的订婚”,日期是2/2/22当你要求我嫁给你,我是世界上最幸运的女士。我爱你胜过Instagram标题能做正义。永远与你听起来像一个真正的梦想,让我们来做。”While the two have yet to share details of a wedding, it looks as though they're still finding ways to keep each other on their toes, and enjoying all the time they can spend together. See Piet's sweet reaction to King's unexpected holiday homecoming above.