
Lady Gaga在心理健康上的古奇开枪

“我带来了黑暗”:方法演技了Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga扮演Patrizia而古奇的房子。

Lady Gaga是一个长期提倡心理健康意识。歌手和演员甚至开始自己的基金会,天生如此基金会支持青年心理健康和鼓励善良和同情心。Gaga对主题的热情来自于个人的地方,现在她的开放自己的最近的经历与心理健康工作时古奇的房子

Gaga方法演技的方法来使用意大利社会名流Patrizia而发挥的作用技术,帮助她承诺她的角色在细胞水平上,“她曾告诉斯蒂芬·科尔伯特。“为此,我总是Patrizia。我总是说话在我的口音,”Gaga说在最近的一次采访不同。“我还是过我的生活。我就住她。”Gaga did the same thing, she said, while playing Ally in一个明星诞生了


它的一部分是“黑暗”而生活是怎样,Gaga解释道。“我带了黑暗我回家。”She also recognizes that her commitment to the role isn't necessarily something to glorify. "I don't think that any actor should push themselves to that limit," she said. "I've done some pretty extreme art pieces throughout my career — the things I've put my body through, my mind."

它并不完全清楚,甚至Lady Gaga,为什么她会这么极端。“我认为我可以给你最好的答案是我有一种浪漫关系的痛苦对你的艺术,我作为一个年轻的女孩,有时它只是走得太远。当它走得太远,很难卷在你自己的。”She noted that the drive to dive so deeply into her art might change if she has a child. "It's not a secret that I'll do anything for art," she said. That mindset might be "problematic" with a child around, Gaga explained, and could clash with her desire to be "available and present for my children."

