

Cavallari的许多高中年证据确凿的感谢MTV的“拉古纳海滩,”和后来的分拆,“小山”。Although she described Saylor as her "hardest kid" and her "biggest parenting challenge," Cavallari can also empathize and understand her needs. "I think she is so tough, but really it's those tough ones that usually need the most love," she said. "I just try to kill her with kindness and just try to love on her as much as possible." Still, with all the trouble she used to get into herself, she noted that what goes around comes around: "I believe in karma."

Cavallaricoparents塞勒和她的两个儿子Jaxon 9,卡姆登,与她的前夫,杰伊·卡特勒。“这肯定有其挑战,特别是在一开始时一切都很新鲜。但我们只是在我们知道最好的方式,”她说2021年,在宣布离婚2020年4月。“我一直想让我的孩子们看到杰和我作为一个统一战线。他是他们的父亲。这很重要,他们需要看到我。”