
开尔文哈里森描绘jean - michel Basquiat jr .)

开尔文哈里森Jr。末将描绘jean - michel Basquiat在即将到来的传记片

纽约,纽约——11月29日:开尔文哈里森jr .)参加的2021年哥谭镇颁奖典礼Cipriani华尔街11月29日,2021年在纽约市。(图片由泰勒山/ FilmMagic)

开尔文哈里森jr .)已经有他的眼睛在他的下一个重大项目:描绘,后期伟大的艺术家jean - michel Basquiat即将到来的传记片。各种报告西哈诺演员有逮捕的角色海地的波多黎各美国艺术家的著名画作和街头艺术闻名定义Neo-expressionism艺术运动的1980年代电影标题萨摩的生活。据报道,电影“庆祝生命、事业和影响”的演艺界。

传记片将努力的开发和资助内容和朱利叶斯Onah执导,尽管尚未详细的生产日期。在这部电影的官方网站声明写道,“现在是时候告诉jean - michel Basquiat的故事。”Onah included a lengthy statement on the website as well, writing, "Jean-Michel Basquiat redefined the idea of who ascends to the highest altitudes of the fine art world. But the complexity and richness of his experience as an artist and child of the African diaspora has yet to be dramatized in the manner it deserves. It's an honor to work with [Harrison Jr.] and my collaborators, and with Endeavor Content, to celebrate the legacy of an artist who has invited audiences everywhere to be inspired by the transformative power of art."

关于他的新角色,哈里森jr .说机会描述已故艺术家是一个“梦想成真”对他来说,和Onah赞扬了年轻演员为他“定位和渠道能力不管他栖息的精神。”Harrison Jr. has previously starred in other major projects, including卢斯,怪物,,高注,这张照片。他还将声音疤痕的作用狮子王》前传
