


首先,史密斯解决这一事实他一直保持了聚光灯下奥斯卡3月以来的大部分。“我,”他说。“你们在做什么?”Noah noted that the 2022 Oscars marked one of both the best and worst days of Smith's life.

演员,同意,反映在夜里,说:“这是一个可怕的夜晚,你可以想象。有很多的细微差别和复杂性。但在一天结束的时候,我只是——我失去了它,你知道吗?”He added that no one knows what anyone else is going through. He continued, "I was going through something that night, you know? Not that that justifies my behavior at all." He added that he learned we all need to be nice to each other and that it's true that "hurt people hurt people."

他后来添加的时刻,“这是很多东西。这个小男孩,看着父亲殴打母亲,你知道吗?所有的只是在那一刻冒了出来。这不是我想成为的人。”Noah reflected on his own understanding of Smith as a friend and added that he doesn't think the moment is who Smith is. He added that he's friends with both Smith and克里斯·洛克。“每个人都可以犯错误,”主人说。史密斯开始哭了起来。诺亚说,有些人“反应过度”,“有些人反应不够有力。”

史密斯说,“我明白,舞台上令人震惊的,是人。”He continued, "I was gone. That was一个被瓶装的愤怒很长时间了。”He also told a story from that night. "My nephew Dom is 9," he said. "He is the sweetest little boy. We came home. He had stayed up late to see his uncle Will, and we are sitting in my kitchen and he's on my lap and he's holding the Oscar and he's just like, 'Why did you hit that man, Uncle Will?' Damn it. Why are you trying to Oprah me?" Smith laughed as he wiped away tears. "It was a mess," he said.

史密斯正在宣传他的新电影“解放”,他扮演奴隶生彼得。史密斯对诺亚说,这部电影并不是“一个奴隶的电影”,但“自由电影。”He told Noah that he doesn't want the work of director Antoine Fuqua and the cast and crew of "Emancipation" to be tainted by his own actions. The film will be released in theaters this weekend before streaming on Apple TV+ on Dec. 9. The actor was禁止出现在奥斯卡颁奖典礼十年的电影艺术与科学学院,但是史密斯仍有资格被提名并赢得奥斯卡奖