

除了一系列冗长的消息关于结局,斯努克了宝宝的头的顶部的照片Instagram 5月29日。斯努克,他的孩子丈夫戴夫·劳森在“继承”透露,她怀孕3月4季的首映。当时,她告诉记者,在“两个月”。斯努克的怀孕是写入她的性格Shiv得知她怀孕了,反反复复的丈夫汤姆Wambsgans。

在她Instagram发布,斯努克说,“很难表达这部剧对我意味着什么。”She wrote, "To have been blessed to join this crazy adventure of a show will be a career highlight, which will no doubt be hard to top. I am so, so proud and humbled by everyone's hard work season after season: we all set the bar high for each other, then exceeded it and excelled, in every department. The friendships, the scripts, the locations, the one liners, the early mornings, the last minute changes, all the highs and lows: I'm going to miss it all." She added in conclusion, "I just watched the final episode of the final season of something that has changed my life. And now, my life has changed again. Thank you for all the love and support."

虽然最终罗伊的兄弟姐妹拒之门外Waystar Royco顶级座位,斯努克显然有很多庆祝自己的新角色。