




Goldfaden博士解释说,“污染释放微观粒子或自由基,能深入皮肤和健康细胞造成损害。”You can be particularly prone to this if you live in the city, if you're a smoker, or if you like to regularly soak up the sun. Regularly being exposed to all of this can cause "loss of elasticity (wrinkles and sagging) and hyperpigmentation. Pollution can cause uneven skin tone, dehydration, dryness, dark spots, expedited aging, wrinkles, sagging, and a deterioration of collagen." So basically, free radicals really are the baddies when it comes to skin health.


虽然暴露在自由基是不可避免的,有些事情我们可以做来防止进一步的损失。Goldfaden博士告诉我们,“首先,总是穿防晒!”This is something that we have all been told approximately 173 times, and yet we still often skip a day (me included). So, now's the time to learn that lesson: start wearing SPF regularly and prevent free radicals from wreaking havoc on your skin. He also suggests looking for products with antioxidant ingredients, as these fight free radicals. The best ingredients he says to look out for are red tea, ferulic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E, japonica flowers, watercress sprouts, retinol, and reservatrol (*makes notes*). In his line, theGoldfaden MD光明的灵丹妙药(80美元)是专为保护皮肤免受损伤的确切目的。它防止自由基损伤(包括UVA和UVB)虽然保湿,紧肤,减少细纹的出现。