
艾莉森·凯利| Tillamook
艾莉森·凯利| Tillamook

美国农业经济在危机中,但这并不奇怪,伊娃·朗格莉亚。根据联邦政府的数据,估计有580农民申请第十二章破产保护在截至6月30日的12个月里,让我们农场债务气球均分质量超过4250亿美元。这之后“万农业经济衰退,”《华尔街日报》。“我在很早的时候,遇到Dolores Huerta”朗格莉娅说:“和介入农业工人的权利。”




艾莉森·凯利| Tillamook



伊娃朗格利亚:你知道,我一直倡导农民和农业工人20年来,当Tillamook来对我说:“我们想做一个活动,真的支持这个社区,”我说,“我在”。The pandemic has deemed farmers and farmworkers essential, but they've总是美国食品供应是至关重要的。


所以我只是激动,Tillamook做一些与美国农田信任不仅提高对农业的重要性的认识——因为人们理所当然,,农业仍然是美国的支柱——但我们也显然这样做提高美元来帮助拯救农场和农田。bet188服务中心所以我说,“我做什么?有什么协议,这个活动是什么?”And they were like, "Oh nothing, you just eat the Tillamook products."(笑)

艾莉森·凯利/ Tillamook


埃尔哦,男人。好了,我有两个视频推出食谱,,所以球迷可以看到,“噢,我将使用。”I'm Mexican, so basically everything I cook has cheese. But you know, all these funds that are going to be raised — they're going to give 10 percent of sales this month for a total of up to $1.6 million — they're going to donate it to the American Farmland Trust. So I was like, this is so easy. And when you can do something as a consumer that is something you do anyway? It's a win-win.

艾莉森·凯利/ Tillamook





埃尔:你知道,人们总是说,“为什么农民?为什么农场呢?”Because I eat food. Everybody should know where their food comes from — know who plants it, picks it, and produces it — because we have to support this engine of our American economy. I met Dolores Huerta at a very early age and got involved with farmworker rights. Tillamook has an incredibly old history: they're 111 years old and they're a co-op, which means they're farmer-owned and farmer-led. I think in this day and age when people are concerned with fast fashion and "I don't want to buy that because it doesn't give back, or it's not recyclable material" — people are very aware of what they're buying now. When you see what TOMS Shoes did for the world, and when you think of a company like Tillamook, you go, "Wow, they're farmer-owned, farmer-led, and they want to help farmers across the country." So I think we need to know more about where our food comes from.