
被诊断出与多发性硬化症(MS) 2018年,塞尔玛布莱尔已经成为倡导患有慢性疾病和残疾,通常,同时提供一个脆弱的看着自己的个人生活和斗争。当她继续管理女士的症状,这种疾病会影响大脑和脊髓,布莱尔也写一本回忆录,竞争在“与星共舞”,1月10日的一次采访中自我说,她正在考虑恢复行动,同时学习如何为需求和进入她的说话权力作为倡导者。

表演“需要大量的能量,”布莱尔在采访中解释道。“我想说的是,‘哦,很容易雇用我。我不是一个问题!但这是我的骑士的事情我需要。”布莱尔描述需要栏杆协助平衡,因为她经常在她的左腿失去感觉。“如果有一个栏杆,我可以找到一个方法来提升,正确的腿,”她解释道。“但是没有它,我只是丢失,balance-wise。”She also sometimes has difficulty speaking and experiences leg spasms due to MS, added Blair, who uses a cane to get around.


布莱尔在“dwt”过程,三年后告诉她的团队,“我想我真的需要这个。我认为这是重要的慢性疾病或残疾的人看看他们能做什么。我应该有一个好的时间和试一试。”She made a splash on the show while competing with pro partner Sasha Farber but ultimately bowed out before the finale. The cause: health complications related to the stress of the show and her MS symptoms, including stress fractures in her knee, a ligament tear in her ankle, and damage to her hips. "I was so brokenhearted to have been injured," Blair told Self. "I really wanted to keep going. I was really proud of myself that, for at least five weeks, I kept up. But there was a time that I had to照顾好自己”。

自诊断,布莱尔已经完全赞同她的角色作为残疾人的倡导者和慢性疾病,在好莱坞提供急需的可见性和问责制。“我知道这是为别人超过自己,这让我感觉更好,”她说,并指出主要奖项显示不为人们提供增加到舞台上接受奖项。布莱尔强调,这样的住宿不是“这样房间里的人可以起床。”She explained, "It's so the viewer at home normalizes that the kid in the wheelchair or the braces or with cerebral palsy — whatever it is that makes them feel different than the person that can just bounce up with their heels — can be in the movies. It's like, 'I can dream this. It's built in that I can dream this. There is a way for me to get up there.'" She added, "I always say how visibility matters for the disabled. Well, visibility matters for everyone."

布莱尔管理自己的症状和女士说了别人的需要,她继续学习更多关于自己。MS诊断“重塑了我发现接受诚实对我的缺点,对我过去的上瘾,和关于我的问题,”布莱尔,是谁也公开对她旅程酗酒和清醒说。“它让我对自己更善解人意。”And that challenging, triumphant "DWTS" stint? Blair dealt with disappointment about how it ended, but she also "took time to be proud," she said. "It did give me some inner knowledge that I'm stronger than I thought."