
这是两个月以来2019遇到了联欢晚会和金·卡戴珊还没有完全恢复。如果你能记得,真人秀明星和企业家穿着crystal-adorned Thierry Mugler衣服星光熠熠的事件,但她著名的图先生被极端夸大了胸衣的珍珠。胸衣太紧,事实上,它阻止她坐或使用厕所。在一个新的采访《华尔街日报》。杂志,金回忆起她感到疼痛在整个晚会。

解决谣言,她肋骨切除在穿衣服之前,金正日显然说,“我甚至不知道如果这是可能的。”Instead, the look was the result of sweat and tears. "I have never felt pain like that in my life. I'll have to show you pictures of the aftermath when I took it off — the indentations on my back and my stomach," Kim said. Was it worth it? We have a feeling Kim would say good fashion moments always are.