Shonda Rhimes谋杀之谜系列补充道:“住宅”11新演员

我们急切地等待“Bridgerton”第三季,Shondaland深深入侦探犯罪类型用一个新的白色House-based电视剧名为“住宅”。Executive produced by Shonda Rhimes and Shondaland's Betsy Beers, the eight-episode mystery series is almost guaranteed to deliver twists and turns that will leave our heads spinning as we frantically hit the rewind button.



即将到来的Shondaland系列是基于凯特安徒生布劳尔2015年出版的“住宅:在白宫的私人世界。”The New York Times bestseller provides a behind-the-scenes look at the drama, humor, and heartbreak concealed within the walls of the White House between the Kennedy and Obama administrations. "132 rooms. 157 suspects. One dead body," the show's logline reads. "One wildly eccentric detective. One disastrous State Dinner. 'The Residence' is a screwball whodunnit set in the upstairs, downstairs, and backstairs of the White House, among the eclectic staff of the world's most famous mansion."

本系列将由“丑闻”保罗·威廉·戴维斯,世卫组织还将执行prouce Rhimes和啤酒。


2月1日,Netflix宣布Uzo Aduba系列将铅、科迪莉亚Cupp,“住宅”。A few weeks later, on Feb. 27, the streaming platform announced 11 new cast members, first reported by各种。九十九年演员包括“布鲁克林”演员安德烈Braugher白宫首席招待员,“线”的年代,埃德温娜Findley白宫管家,“死亡博士”年代莫莉Griggs莉莉舒马赫,和“成名在望”年代杰森·李总统佩里摩根的弟弟特里普摩根。

系列也将明星“党”年代肯·马里诺总统摩根最古老的朋友和受信任的顾问,“陌生人”艾尔·米切尔担任管家,管家d ',丹·贝洛担任总统的秘密服务的细节,“我们的国旗意味着死亡“明星布朗森Pinchot作为一个行政糕点厨师,“这是我们“演员苏珊Kelechi沃森崛起的白宫助理亚瑟,“线”的年代,伊塞亚怀特洛克小警察局长拉里辩经,和玛丽怀斯曼Marvella行政总厨。

“住宅”首映Netflix ?
