
Hailey祈戈终于准备好她的女主角。艾瑞莎•弗兰克林传记片中进球后突破角色“尊重”和Starz的“权力书三:提高Kanan,”这位24岁的演员兼歌手指挥关注在大银幕上的明星“肉桂”。The Tubi Blaxploitation-inspired thriller, written and directed by Bryian Keith Montgomery Jr., features Kilgore as Jodi, whose aspirations resemble the actor's own as a歌手谁的梦想了骄人的成功。这部电影——首映2023年翠贝卡电影节——马克·基尔的锚定一个电影项目,第一次,她诚然告诉POPSUGAR是她渴望做一段时间,但“从未真正充满信心”。

“我从来没有觉得值得去做,”她股票,并称她的信仰主要是由于作为一个“年轻的黑人妇女在一个行业(我忽视了)如果我不适合一个特定的事情。”"It just makes things a little bit more challenging," she explains. "I'm not depressed over that. It's just the truth of the industry. But it does creep into your mind like, 'Am I worthy of being able to do something like that?' But I did it, so I guess I have the answer now."



与她突破的角色到目前为止,祈戈说她“太激动了”,再一次,合并她的激情演唱和表演“肉桂”。"Anytime there's an opportunity for me to sing, I'm very happy," she says sweetly. "I love singing. I do have goals of doing straight plays or projects that don't incorporate singing as much, as well. But definitely, when I read the script and it said that [Jodi] wanted to be a singer, I was so excited."


最难的部分关于“肉桂”,不过,在18天祈戈拍摄电影,和新鲜的拍摄前一季的“提高Kanan。”"I had no prep time," she explains. "I literally had to film my last scene on a Friday, and my first day of filming ['Cinnamon'] was the following Monday." Which was "really intimidating" for Kilgore, because she had much more time to prepare for projects like "Respect." "For this, that was not the case."


幸运的是,祈戈蒙哥马利Jr .)的支持,被她称为“awesome”董事。她还靠在“传奇”castmates·韦恩斯和Pam格里尔,一个带来图标。格里尔说,很少在字符“肉桂”充耳不闻,她仍然是“知识的百科全书”,根据祈戈。



祈戈没有太多对观众的期望当他们看到“肉桂”。She just hopes viewers "find the heart in it" and "like my performance." She does, however, believe the movie "truly does have something for everyone." "If you love music, there's that. If you love comedy, there's that. If you love romance, we got that," she says. "And heist, the thrill of the heist." So buckle up, because "Cinnamon" is sure to take you on a wild ride.

“肉桂”开始流Tubi 6月23日。