
在11月8日亮相微软全国有线广播电视公司,伊娃的影响进行讨论拉美裔选民对总统选举。而不是严格关注拉丁妇女的成就,伊娃告诉主机Ari Melber,“当然,你看到在乔治亚州黑人妇女所做的事情拉丁妇女是这里真正的女英雄”。人们在Twitter上立即开始痛斥她的评论,指出他们如何淡化黑人女性的角色总统选举和是反黑人。

在反弹后,伊娃说她的话被曲解了,”意味着(拉丁妇女)结果在更大的数字逐步和投票超过拉丁裔人”,而“黑人女性一直是骨干民主党。”Although her apology had support from the likes of Kerry Washington — who tweeted that, "我知道伊娃喜欢妹妹。我们已经在许多战壕。她是所有女性的斗士。”— not everyone was ready to accept the apology, pointing out that Eva had made a direct comparison between Latina and Black women in her original interview. You can watch her interview then read her full apology ahead.