贾达·萍克·史密斯共享一个从未2 pac为了庆祝他的生日写的诗

美国女演员贾达·萍克·史密斯与美国说唱歌手Tupac Shakur, 1996。(图片由凯文Mazur归档摆姿)

贾达·萍克·史密斯是要记住Tupac Shakur在他50岁生日。周二,前一晚他的生日,杰达共享一个以前从未见过的诗他写道,题为“失去Soulz。”"I don't think this one has ever been published. . . . I don't think he would have minded that I shared this with you guys," Jada said in an Instagram video. She then read the poem aloud, adding that she believes the poem was the "original concept" for Tupac's song "Lost Souls." "As we prepare to celebrate his legacy ... let's remember him for that which we loved most ... his way with words," Jada captioned the video. "Here are a few you may have never heard before." She added: "Happy 'you goin'n to be 50 at midnight' Birthday Pac!"

杰达和母亲,艺名2 pac,第一次见面时两人的学生在马里兰州的巴尔的摩艺术学校,很快成了朋友。两个最终脱落,是疏远的1996年9月13日不幸去世。“他觉得我已经改变了,”杰达告诉霍华德·斯特恩。“我去好莱坞。我软了。现在回想起来,我完全理解,Pac。这是一个心态他开始出来之前,他是被谋杀的。”She noted that Tupac's death taught her a lesson that "life is too short," adding, "Do not let disagreements stand in between you and people that you love." Watch her beautiful tribute to Tupac below.