


让我们倒带的季节,第五集:“带3 a。”Clay is tutoring jock and all-around-good-guy Jeff, and the two make a deal that if Jeff gets higher than a C, Clay will go to the school dance. Clay loses, and winds up at the dance. This ends up being a pivotal moment in Hannah's storyline, but there's also an important scene where Clay sits with Jeff on the bleachers and Jeff tries to convince him to ask Hannah to dance. In actuality, Jeff is wearing a gray suit. But in Clay's dream sequence that opens the episode, Jeff is wearing a white tux.



13的原因(L R)布兰登·弗林贾斯汀福利和阿丽莎挤央行如杰西卡·戴维斯在409集13 Cr的理由。大卫·莫伊尔/ NETFLIX 2020