
Teyana泰勒开放是她决定离开音乐产业。Instagram的住在12月5日,一天后宣布她的退休——这位29岁的歌手在她决议同时翻了一番澄清其背后的原因。虽然很多人相信Teyana最初的声明是一个对她的格莱美奖怠慢,她解释说,它实际上是在回应她的唱片公司被忽视的感觉,G.O.O.D.音乐,Def Jam的子公司。


附近的视频直播,Teyana说她的挫折与感觉的赏识,忽视了“最应该支持我的人。”According to the songstress, her label hasn't been reciprocating the level of care that she gives and she has "little to no push." She then compared her involvement with the music business as a relationship that she no longer wants to be a part of for the sake of her well-being. "I'm just tired," she added. "A b*tch is tired, baby. I'm tired."

Teyana还透露,她问她的标签掉她好几次了。“疯狂的是一部分,我问Def Jam,几乎在10个不同的场合,让我直接去他们的脸,在建筑,在餐桌上,”她说。“就像,‘哟,就写信给我,因为,在这一点上,我不能让这个杀了我。”然后她解决那些宣称她放弃,说,“我不戒烟,我水准。”

Teyana第一次公布她离开音乐Instagram发布12月4。她共享一个快照Spotify 2020年统计数据,简要地感谢她的粉丝的忠诚度证实她退休前在可预见的未来。“哇,这是谁干的?你们这样做!”Teyana wrote. "Thank you. I ain't gone front in times of feeling super under appreciated as a artist, receiving little to no real push from the 'machine', constantly getting the shorter end of the stick, being overlooked, I mean the list on and on lol.. I'm retiring this chapter of my story with the comfort that i can depart with peace of mind seeing that all the hard work & passion put in was indeed loved & supported somewhere in the world!"

她的决定之前的五个月,她的最新版本,这张专辑。点击“醒来爱”和“具体”,看到这样一个伟大的艺术家被忽视,但Teyana希望这一步从音乐将留出时间,期待新项目。“从第一天我所有的支持者和我所有的新的我爱你,我感谢你做的一切,不要担心你们知道所有的骗子都理解,当一扇门关上时将打开另一个……或者是我小孩da锁佩妮! ! !所以准备好了,”她写道。我们祈祷这意味着一个新的电影作品。与此同时,看到Teyana最初的声明。