

当然喽,他额外英里和放在一起迷人的纪念视频这对夫妇的特殊场合和题词职务,“第一年……永远去……”I mean, does it get more romantic than that? He starts off narrating the video saying, "I love you because your presence is a gift all in itself," before John Legend's "All of Me" begins playing in the background. Now, cue the waterworks! The one-minute-and-25-second clip rolls through a montage of their loving photos and videos, with everything from Megan's Grammy celebration to their beautiful getaway trip together. But the gifts didn't stop there!

当然喽最大的梅根浪漫的姿态采取的形式是一个惊喜,当他与冰她全新的名字链,火焰象征的热女孩,当然可以。“我不知道谁买了所有的iPhone 13 s地狱但孩子疯了我找不到她,”他在Instagram标题下的另一篇文章。“谢谢@luxe_vvsjewelers帮助我摆脱狗房子,在这个特殊的日子把蛋糕上的糖衣”。To round out their anniversary, he also treated Megan to a house full of rose petals, breakfast in bed (wearing matching Versace robes, might we add), and a "Hibachi wit a Hottie" dinner prepared all at home.

这不是这对夫妇的第一次让世界知道他们有多爱对方。这两个第一次证实了他们的浪漫在二月份,梅根滔滔不绝地讲她的关系在最近播出的一集里Taraji p Henson Facebook的手表系列。“我男朋友确实让我很高兴,”她说。“他肯定需要照顾我的情绪。他使我的大脑感觉良好。他让我的心感觉很好。”And above the physical attraction the two share, Megan said that her relationship feels more like an equal partnership. "He inspires me," she said. "We just feel like a real team. He feels like a partner." Seeing Megan and Pardi love each other out loud is something we truly admire, and we're glad to see that our hot girl is happier than ever. If you're not caught up on all of the couple's sweet moments together,看看他们的可爱照片