
凯蒂·佩里被发现巴结她著名的前任约翰·迈耶埃里森·威廉姆斯的婚礼在萨拉托加,王寅,周末。两人坐在前面的莉娜·邓纳姆和杰迈玛Kirke密切在仪式期间,闪烁的甜蜜的微笑和握手,这增加了更多的燃料来报告后,他们重新点燃浪漫2014年2月分裂。但在让我们跳到任何结论之前,人说”,他们都同意参加婚礼,因为他们是亲爱的新娘和新郎的朋友,但他们不是。这是一个激动人心的婚礼,他们手牵着手,但只是因为他们总是互相关心。”A source added, "They were happy to see each other and spend time together at the wedding, but they are not a couple. They're both going to go out with other people, and they want each other to be happy." Keep reading to see the exclusive photos from Katy and John's reunion.