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Aries Season 2023: When It Is and How It Affects the Signs

How Aries Season Will Impact Each Zodiac Sign

As adreamy, watery Pisces seasoncomes to a close, a confident and fiery Aries season begins. Aries is all about directness and courage (Aries's personality traitsfollow the same themes), so this will be a season of acting passionately and decisively. "When the Sun is in Aries, we may feel more forceful,aggressive, sexual, driven, and playful," Dossé-Via, founder of astrology platform and appKnowTheZodiac, tells POPSUGAR.

赛季,白羊座会带来一个国米esting duality into our lives, she says, explaining that while this is a time when people might lose their patience a bit faster, it also means we'll be more willing to let go of grudges. Say what you mean, then move on — that's the energy the sign of the ram is ushering in.

But Aries season in general can have effects that are more nuanced than you might expect from the bold sign. Here's everything you need to know about Aries season in 2023.

When Is Aries Season?

In 2023, Aries season begins on March 20 and lasts until the Sun enters Taurus on April 20. As the first sign in the zodiac calendar, Aries is all about youthfulness and new beginnings. "Aries season is the season of starting fresh with the hopeful enthusiasm of a child," Dossé-Via says. It also marks the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, which "encourages us to bloom after a period of decay." That's right: get ready to breathe in the fresh air.

Aries Season: What to Expect in 2023

For many folks, this will be the time to make some bold moves. Ahead, Dossé-Via explains what Aries season has in store for each of the zodiac signs.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

It's your season, Aries — and you're going to get in your feels. That's because Mars,your planetary ruler, will be move from Gemini to Cancer on March 25, shortly after Aries season begins. Cancers are known for their fluidity, intuition, and ability to sit with their emotions. You might feel things more deeply during your birthday month; you also may be more drawn to spending time with your nearest and dearest, rather than mingling with the biggest crowd possible. The name of the game is going with your gut. "Focus on doing what brings you joy," Dossé-Via suggests.

It's also a time to focus on rebirth and growth. "WithChiron, the asteroid that represents our inner wounds, also in Aries until 2026, you're being invited to be radically honest with yourself about what you've outgrown and also be honest about the new beginning you're ready to embark on," Dossé-Via says. (The asteroid has been in your sign since 2019, so if you feel like you're in the middle of a major evolution cycle — you kind of are.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

For you, Taurus, Aries season is all about not taking life too seriously. Dossé-Via says that Aries season tends to bring out the spirituality in a Taurus, but that this soul-searching doesn't have to happen in an intense way. "Laughing and playing more can be wonderful ways to reconnect with oneself, [especially] since Uranus, the planet of surprise, is currently in Taurus," she says.

This season, you can expect plenty of opportunities for spontaneity and carefree fun. It will also be a time for relief. "Tauruses can heal by deciding to not take life, or themselves, too seriously," Dossé-Via says.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Aries season looks great on you, Gemini. With the Sun's position activating their social side, "Geminis will feel more confident and alluring during the Aries season," Dossé-Via says. During this time, it's likely you'll feel more social and even make some new friends. The concentrated directness and confidence of Aries will complement your social and intellectual interests this season.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This Aries season is all about your work, Cancer. As a sensitive and intuitive water sign, you may not always be the most assertive — but Aries season is here to encourage you to speak up for yourself. "Aries season emboldens Cancers and reminds them that 'closed mouths don't get fed,' Dossé-Via says.

If you feel like you've been playing it too safe at work, Dossé-Via encourages you to "ask directly for what you want and act as if it's already yours." You got this!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This is a season of dreaming big, Leo. Specifically, Aries season will be activating your sector of travel and long journeys, so you might catch yourself daydreaming about catching a plane to a new location. A lot will feel possible this season, but remember to pace yourself. "Leo may want to do it all during this season, but they don't have to," Dossé-Via says. "If they try, they may end up getting burnt out or feeling restless."

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Cha-ching, Virgo! Not only is Aries season making you more confident and ready to take up the spotlight, it's also going to revolve around money-related matters. "This is a great time for Virgo to make power moves and negotiate long-term contracts at work or in their financial collaborations," Dossé-Via says.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

Love might be in the air, Libra! Your partnership sector is activated during Aries season, so if you aren't sure if your crush likes you back or have been thinking about asking someone out, now is the time. Dossé-Via encourages you to channel bold Aries this season and take the lead in love-related matters. "The more bold Libra becomes this season, the better," she says. "Ask, and you shall receive!"

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Aries season is all about self-improvement, Scorpio. This is the perfect time to focus on your health — both mental and physical. You'll start to feel like you're in the driver's seat and adopt what Dossé-Via calls a "warrior mindset." Just like Aries, you're ruled by the planet Mars, so you'll be feeling the influence of this sign — and acting more like it.

"Many Scorpios will be acting more Aries-like during this time," Dossé-Via says. "They'll flirt more, dance more, play more, and command more. This can either be super sexy to others or deeply intimidating. Either way, Scorpio will shine brightly and restructure their lives for the better during Aries season."

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Try to stay focused this season, Sagittarius. Just like Leo, you'll benefit from and feel invigorated by the Sun being in a fellow fire sign. Dossé-Via says that exploration, creativity, love, and adventure will all be areas of emphasis during Aries season. You might want to start new projects, hang out with a bunch of people, or go somewhere new.

While that's all going to feel really exciting, try to stay grounded and remember why you're doing what you're doing. "Your mission is to find ways to ground yourself amidst all the movement that will occur this season, so intentionally slowing down is key," Dossé-Via says.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Home is where the heart is this season, Capricorn. "Capricorn placements will be focused on making major moves at home or in family-related environments," Dossé-Via says. "That could look like setting clear boundaries about what concerns them or letting others know if they need more support." If there's something on your mind at home, this Aries season might be a good time to address it.

Dossé-Via also encourages Capricorns to be more patient with themselves. Aries's characteristics might make Capricorn feel a bit awkward and out of place, resulting in some behavioral inconsistencies. However, trying new things will only teach you more about yourself.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You don't have to be perfect this season, Aquarius. This Aries season will have you feeling more free-spirited, passionate, communicative, and creative. You don't need to wait for everything to be fully formed before you do it — just jump right in.

"This is a motivating and refreshing season for Aquarians, as it reminds them that anything is possible if you're confident enough to go for it," Dossé-Via says.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Even though the Sun is moving out of your sign, Pisces, Aries season is still going to be about you. "Learning how to be more selfish is a core lesson of Aries season for Pisces placements, and while it may not happen overnight, they will notice a huge shift when it comes to putting their own needs first," Dossé-Via says.

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