
旅行不是通常人们与他们的费用,除非你是艾弗里塞勒斯和大学二年级生莫斯卡。内容创造者成为官方在2020年7月,从那时起,两人获得了数以百万计的追随者通过共享坦诚自己TikTok和YouTube上的视频。甚至在3240万年# averyandsoph继续耙的观点。他们的粉丝,塞勒斯和莫斯卡总目标的关系——这就是为什么奇怪,两个决定今年8月停止工作。

尽管它是不完全清楚为什么两个分手了,结果变得有点乱。赛勒斯传说是浪漫与YouTube的个性和乔乔锡瓦舞者分手后不久,和莫斯卡TikTok视频的评论中写道,“我真希望我没有关心你这么多bc我保持我的嘴对我所做的。”Though it's unclear what Mosca was referring to, many believed it was likely the two would not reconcile given the circumstances.

然而,在最终的变化事件,莫斯卡最近公布了TikTok她在车里塞勒斯。莫斯卡的视频,上传12月19日,嘴唇同步的歌曲“Shabooya Hitkidd,光泽,和K碳。视频上的文字说,“我们订了退还的假期去欧洲当我们约会。我没有带她回来。Tf ? ? ?”She captioned it, "PSA don't book a trip too far in advance or you might get stuck going with your ex (but hey, a win is a win)."

自从莫斯卡贴视频,病毒片段有近440万的观点。正如预期,球迷评论部分充斥着各种各样的反应。有些失望——一个TikTok用户写道,“把所有大学二年级生的治疗。”Others are simply surprised, with one TikTok user noting, "The way my JAW DROPPED." But mainly, those in the comment section debated whether they would or wouldn't do the same thing. One TikTok user said, "I would do the same thing girl," while another wrote, "Couldn't pay me to do this. I'm so sorry I'd take the loss and I'm poor."

当我们调查一些POPSUGAR员工是否会在一个已经掏钱买,不可归还的旅行前,他们看似分裂。特约撰稿人梅勒妮·怀特说,“这实际上取决于交货。我倚是的因为我不是错过了一个欧洲vacay。但是我也不确定我能相信我自己不会喝醉,尝试在旅馆。”Mirel Zaman, wellness content director, responded, "I literally would only do this if I was single and they were single and I was interested in hooking up with them again or getting back together." But Lauren Mazzo, senior fitness editor, advised against ever doing this from her own personal experience. She said, "I actually did this when I was in high school, and it was a disaster. I'm team keep the flights and go solo."


