


图片来源:盖蒂/ Michael Tran


Domhnall他的老大,一个令人印象深刻的表演自己的简历。接下来,他将在HBO的明星“白宫水管工”作为律师理查德·尼克松总统和伍迪·哈里森,贾斯汀,丽娜哈迪。2022年,他主演的“病人”food-obsessed连环杀手山姆福特纳和斯蒂夫·卡雷尔。这位39岁的好莱坞一直波澜,扮演罗恩·韦斯莱的哥哥比尔·韦斯莱哈利波特电影与他的父亲,他描绘了死刑执行者喜怒无常的“因”。Domhnall继续出现在与“时间”瑞秋·麦克亚当斯,以及科幻戏剧“救世主”。He also played Jim Farrell in "Brooklyn" and Captain Andrew Henry in "The Revenant" and starred in "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker" and HBO's "Run."

同时,35岁的布莱恩是一个演员,也出现在“白雪公主与猎人”和“刺客信条”和吉米McCavern在主演的“尖峰的。”Brian has worked with Domhnall on several projects over the years, costarring in Darren Aronofsky's "Mother!" in 2017 with詹妮弗·劳伦斯。他们也曾尝试过喜剧在爱尔兰“弗兰克”2021年,布莱恩扮演一个失败的音乐家和Domhnall出现混乱的最好的朋友,愚蠢的。


38岁的布伦丹二老的儿子,费格斯,也是艺术。一个音乐家和作曲家,他有时表现与他的父亲,在2020年,他们出现在“末末秀”合唱的“女王的角笛舞。”Meanwhile, Rory, 33, is a novelist, playwright, and screenwriter, and his debut novel, "Rockadoon Shore," was published in 2017. His debut short film, "Psychic," premiered in 2018, with Brendan directing, Domhnall and Brian costarring, and Fergus composing the score. "I like working with them," Brendan said of collaborating with his kids in an October interview with爱尔兰的太阳。“(我)t的让我在我的脚趾头上了。”

他所有的儿子的创造性的成功意味着丹并不像一个大人物在家里像以前,。“有一段时间我可以主在这个地方比他们知道的更多和事实并非如此,因为他们进入自己的空间。”他在采访中说。“这很奇妙。触摸木头,到目前为止,我们还说话。”However, he credited his wife, Mary, with keeping their family on speaking terms, saying she often forbids the family from talking about work. "The Psychic," for example, was "banned at Christmas" one year. "I was hoping she'd be involved in the short, organizing stuff, but she said, 'I'm out of here'," Brendan said. Still, that didn't prevent him from giving her a shout-out. "I actually gave her a title in the credits," he added, The Irish Sun reported. "'Arbiter' I called her, and I put 'Mary Weldon in absentia.'"

