

视频中,Esti坐在与她妈妈,克里斯Teigen,她的小弟弟鹪鹩,和另一个人的时候,她高兴地唠唠叨叨。相机,传说问她,“我叫什么名字?”The little one smiled in response as Teigen prompted, "What's daddy's name? Dada?" Esti was quick to let the room know she heard a word she could say, as she repeated, "Dada," much to her dad's delight.

“我们在磁带,宝贝!”Legend exclaimed. "Caught on tape!" Hilariously, his excitement was too much for Esti to take. She quickly went from smiling to bursting into tears. "She's crying," a sheepish Legend can be heard saying at the end of the video.

Esti的重要时刻仅一天后,Legend-Teigen家庭从他们回来金宝搏app作为一个六口之家的第一个假期金宝搏app。传说和Teigen共享多个帖子Instagram记录他们的冒险与卢娜,英里,Esti,婴儿鹪鹩。“我们的第一个假期是一个六口之家,“传说标题8月7金宝搏app Instagram发布。“到目前为止,太好了!”


她继续分享,和传说询问有两个代理,2021年之前Teigen决定她想携带一个婴儿。“所以我们重启试管受精的过程,”她继续说。“我们我的转移,是如此快乐的学习效果——我们与小女孩怀孕,Esti。”After one unsuccessful transfer, their surrogate, Alexandra, became pregnant with Legend and Teigen's son, Wren, who arrived in June.
