

当球迷们得知“泰德套索”第三季——目前在苹果电视播出+ -最后,很多人心烦意乱。他们想要更多的时间与Ted (Jason Sudeikis),教练胡子(Brendan狩猎),丽贝卡(汉娜Waddingham),基利(朱诺庙),罗伊(布雷特•戈尔茨坦),有限公司,但不知为什么,这个愿望似乎在每个事件解释为更多的时间。集10日公布5月17日和4分钟是一个小时。这是本系列的第二集六个一个多小时后,“向日葵”。In general, the episodes have been just below that hour-long mark. But season three's episodes are too long, and it's a big part of why it feels like "Ted Lasso" has lost its way in season three.

“泰德套索”坚持半小时喜剧模式的季节。在流媒体的时代,大多数喜剧完成他们的集30分钟左右,左右,因为他们不必担心时段。“泰德套索”开始调情与运行时的灵活性在第2季,一些事件来接近40分钟。但许多节目的最具标志性的事件继续坚持接近30分钟的马克,像第2季的深受圣诞特别,“钟声颂歌”。The season two finale is 50 minutes, but that felt like a special occasion, and even network comedies have done extra-long episodes for season finales (or special events like weddings). But "Ted Lasso" season three has made these inflated runtimes the standard for the formerly half-hour comedy, and it's hurting the show.



Sudeikis,唯一showrunner“泰德套索”第三季,告知各种3月14日刊登的采访中,长时间运行时,因为有如此多的人物和情节,他们“只是以下的故事。”Because it's on streaming, the creative team have the flexibility to do whatever they want, as long as Apple and its production company, Warner Bros., allow. And surely it's difficult — painful even — to know you're making the final season of a beloved show and that you might not be able to fit in every moment with the characters that you want. But that just makes some of the things the show has chosen to focus on this season even more confusing.


