

以防你忘记了杰克·吉伦哈尔会唱歌,他提供了一个令人愉快的提醒“凯利克拉克森秀”4月21日。演员与凯利克拉克森了一个游戏叫“曲子唱这个名字,”促使他们执行一个二重唱比利雷赛勒斯的“Breaky疼的心。”Upon hearing the country hit's first few chords, Gyllenhaal stepped on an illuminated platform and crooned the lyrics with a Southern twang, and Clarkson quickly joined in to harmonize. Though they only sang the chorus together, their brief performance has us craving more duets from the unexpected duo.

与克拉克森共享一个击掌后,吉伦哈尔承认,“我不知道为什么口音出来。到底。我很抱歉比利雷赛勒斯。”Regardless, he wound up winning the round and was even awarded an extra point for enthusiasm.

音乐剧球迷一直知道·吉伦哈尔的排骨,唱歌了中心舞台在2015非百老汇戏剧界的生产“恐怖的小商店”和2017年百老汇的复兴“周日在公园与乔治。”The 42-year-old star has shown off his vocals plenty of other times throughout his career, from唱着席琳•迪翁盖“周六夜现场”去年他在一个虚拟的90岁生日庆典客串作曲家斯蒂芬桑德海姆在2020年。这是希望克拉克森滴更多镜头的“歌唱”这个名字,优化游戏——最好的二重唱。