
约翰传奇Chrissy Teigen一直保持一个大惊喜!这对夫妇6月28日证实,他们再次扩大了他们的家庭,欢迎一个儿子叫雷恩亚历山大·斯蒂芬斯通过代理。金宝搏appTeigen透露的消息和共享第一Instagram鹪鹩的照片。Teigen和传奇只是欢迎女儿Esti玛克辛在1月和有两个以上孩子们:女儿卢娜和儿子英里。他们以前失去了儿子杰克在2020年进入Teigen怀孕20周。

“只要我能记住,我一直想要四个孩子,“Teigen Instagram的声明中写道。“作为一个小女孩,2发光蠕虫和卷心菜娃娃永远在我的怀里,帮我搅拌在我假装厨房,看着阿尔夫。”She continued in another slide, "After losing Jack, I didn't think I'd be able to carry any more babies on my own. To be honest, I've personally blocked out a lot of my mindset during that time, but one clear memory is being surrounded by people who wanted to make sure I wouldn't go through that pain and loss again."

她解释说,在2021年,这对夫妇伸出代孕机构查询”也许有2串联代理人,每个带给我们一个健康的婴儿男孩或女孩。双胞胎,有点? !”During this journey, Teigen explained, she realized she wanted to attempt to carry their baby herself "just one more time." Said Teigen, "If it doesn't work, we will be okay. We've already seen the worst."

“试管受精的过程,所以我们重新启动”她写道,解释说:“我们做了我的转会,非常乐意学习工作——我们与小女孩怀孕,Esti。”At some point during their IVF process, Teigen and Legend met the most "incredible, loving, compassionate surrogate we could ever imagine, Alexandra." After an unsuccessful first transfer, Alexandra got pregnant with Teigen and Legend's son, and he was born on June 19.


