




嘻哈如何第一次走进我的生活,因为我的妈妈做了很多听音乐。当然,我觉得每个人都当他们遇到音乐——从父母或人,他们周围的很多。我总是在房子里和我的妈妈,她听很多条痕,瑞克罗斯。我告诉你,这是我的前两名男性艺术家。然后,当然,我看见尼基•米纳什。我认为“细碎的小猪”之外的第一首歌,我听到的是“正确的通过我。”I was like, my girl can sing, too? I'm like, this is something I really want to do. I could see myself doing it. Singing and rapping are two things I'm talented at, so I can just take over this lane and I can get paid while doing it — this is what I'm gonna do. Nicki being authentic and really caring about the bars inspired me. I love somebody that cares about lyrics, because I started with poetry. So when it comes to that, I'm super serious about it, and she respects talent. Any hip-hop artist that's doing that, I'm like in love with it.



我记得去年我做了一个采访,有人问我,“你看到嘻哈像许多年后?”I was like, "I can just see so many females taking over." We're seeing that every day — it's a new female artist coming out, whether it's rap or R&B, and she's really opening the lane for herself and conquering it. I just love that, because when I came in — I've been doing this in the industry for three years now — it wasn't as many people to look up to. When I was doing it when I was younger, like 15, I was finding so many underground artists, female artists, that couldn't break through. Now it's so easy, and labels aren't looking for female artists to break. I just love that.

每一次我遇到一个新来的女孩,他们很支持我。他们告诉我他们一直看着我,多久和他们想collab。它呈现的那么多的爱,我真的,真的f * ck。因为你永远不知道。我们已经经历了很多的东西,无论是与标签或粉丝或评论你必须处理在互联网上,人们每天的意见。当你与女孩是如此的支持,这使它更容易做,而且感觉有趣。每天都像这不是一份工作。

在一个完美的世界中,嘻哈的未来就没有男人,所有的女孩。我们让他们出了门。完美的世界是女性合作,肯定的。更多的女性在他们应得的斑点。更多的女性ceo有唱片公司。我很想看到。所有女性,这样的屎。我写标题肯定是尼基和开襟羊毛衫B,他们必须做大的。我混合了夏天沃克和叮叮铃,,因为我需要平衡。然后添加一些新的女孩空间出来,像Latto,我,Maiya堂,就完成了。 Rock out.
