




赖莎告诉POPSUGAR她立即吸引瓦伦蒂娜的角色。阅读剧本,她认为:“这女孩是滑稽。我爱她。我要打她。我已经听到我的声音。”There was only one problem. The character was originally named Kate, and as Raisa puts it, "I am not a Kate." Raisa has been figuring out how to see her not-Kateness as a strength for a long time. In high school, she realized she was different because that was the first time her school was filled with mostly white kids. But even kindergarten was an adjustment. It was the first time she left her exclusively Spanish-speaking home to go to a place that didn't give you tortillas with your lunch and expected you to know songs like "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star."

当然,放学后继续。试图找到她的方式,赖莎记得减轻她的头发,“似乎更美国化”和一个代理建议她不要穿箍耳环所以她不会看起来像“贫民窟拉丁。”When she listened to those voices and tried to whitewash herself, that was when she was the most depressed. But she's since learned to embrace herself and her culture.




她重视责任,承认这是一个学习曲线,特别是在竞争高度激烈的好莱坞。,她可以得到她采取任何角色,其中一些她现在认为“尴尬”。"I used to be a sh*thead," she says, looking around audition rooms and wanting the other girls to fail. That started to change when a friend called her saying, "Hey, I just went on this audition. You'd be perfect for it." It was an eye-opening way to reject scarcity and one Raisa has learned to emulate, sharing opportunities with friends, even helping people auditioning for the same role as her.


