

我必须对你诚实。坏兔子闯入音乐时,我的第一个想法是,“太好了,另一个厌恶女性的猪说唱和女人做他们想做的事。”But wow, how my perception has changed. While I don't consider myself Bad Bunny's biggest fan (although I enjoy some of his songs), I do admire him. I admire how he's taken his platform and shifted the narrative. I admire how he is opening the floor to talk about what being a man really is. I admire how he has adapted his style to include little things that might be considered "too feminine" for a man to wear and he's made it OK.

几十年来,拉丁裔男性大多被视为“男子气概”。In fact, they have been romanticized in movies, TV, and media overall as the perfectly flawed, passionate lover who will do anything to get the woman he wants and keep her. This is no different from the way most Latinx families raise their boys. Having a brother myself, I saw how things were different for me and for him, and it was something that my parents couldn't completely control — they were just wired to raise girls and boys differently.

男孩在Latinx文化提出养家bet188服务中心糊口,房子的头,提供和照顾他们的家人。和大部分时间,因为他们正在做的这一切,他们觉得他们可以与其他“边”活动“让他们暂时忘记自己的日常生活。”Men are taught that they are the ones that have to fix things, that they need to put their emotions aside in order to "think clearer." They're supposed to be the "rational ones."


昨晚,坏兔子出现在拉丁广告牌穿着薰衣草套装,与绿色霓虹灯头发和黄色霓虹灯脚指甲。我认为他看起来棒极了。我看见他和尖叫,“地狱是的!”Everyone has a feminine and a masculine side, and it's OK to embrace either, or both, whenever you feel like it.

坏兔子说他的指甲因为拉丁广告牌是一个特殊的日子,他喜欢看起来很漂亮。他还开玩笑说他的舒适和他的长指甲,尽,“没有人还抱怨。”He also wasn't shy to end his interview with kisses on the cheek for both Rashel Díaz and Rodner Figueroa, the red carpet hosts who were interviewing him.
