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Watch Julie Smith Explain How to Break Down Anxious Thoughts

Grab a Pen and Try This Therapist's Simple Method For Breaking Down Anxious Thoughts


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♬ Say So (Instrumental Version) [Originally Performed by Doja Cat] - Elliot Van Coup

You know that sound your computer makes when it's overheated — that whirring, buzzing noise? That's how I picture my brain soundingwhenever anxious thoughts startto take over. It's like my mind is in hyperdrive, bouncing between my fears, predicted outcomes, worst-case scenarios, and more, which can feel super overwhelming. But unlike an overworked computer, shutting down isn't a viable option. That's why I'm obsessed with psychologistJulie Smith's TikTok:@drjuliesmith. She offerseasy-to-understand tipsfor people with mental health challenges, including this super-simplemethod for breaking down anxious thoughts.

史密斯博士比较工具热阴极射线示波器ss bun, where any moment in your life can be broken down into four categories: thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, and behaviors. In the video, she demonstrates how to draw this out on a piece of paper in four separate boxes, jotting down your anxious thought, the emotions that come with it, the physical sensations you experience, and the behavior it leads to. She even goes so far as to give examples to help you understand how these things are connected.

I tried it whenI was feeling anxious在周一早上。我是担心我不会be able to catch up on my assignments, which led to fear and sadness, which led to my heart racing and my stomach hurting, which led to the urge to quit, give up, and shut down. I wrote it all down, saw how they were all connected, then made a new list. I wrote down a couple positive thoughts: "I can do it," and "I'll do one thing at a time." This led to a feeling of relief and peace, deeper breaths, a calmer heart rate and stomach, and the urge to check things off one thing at a time and accomplish those tasks.

It's amazing to see a visual representation of howanxious thoughts spiralif you let them continue, but if you redirect them, it can be so healing. I highly recommend trying this tool for yourself the next time you are struggling with anxiety!

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