
2018年6月13日更新:被指控性侵犯和骚扰后五位女性,包括凯特·厄普顿,猜的保罗Marciano已经从公司辞职,和他的兄弟,莫里斯·梅林,他的位置。根据切割,该公司发表了一个声明确认“Marciano做出不恰当的评论和发送短信和不必要的进步包括亲吻和摸索。”猜一猜和Marciano came to a settlement of $500,000 after an internal investigation.

2018年3月1日更新:凯特·厄普顿发表了新的声明关于她的案子想共同创始人保罗·梅林。她透露在她Instagram帐户的内部调查正在进行的保罗的“私人律师”,并表示,整个事件”似乎是一个噱头,是一个明确的迹象。猜不重视[她]索赔。”The model then thanked everyone who has supported her. Read her full Instagram message ahead.


更新2月8日,2018年:凯特·厄普顿采访时时间梅林。说她和保罗的关系是“一个情感和无休止的战斗游戏,避免权力斗争和创造性的策略。”The model recounted her first meeting with Paul, saying, "After the first day of shooting the Guess Lingerie campaign [on July 25, 2010], Paul Marciano said he wanted to meet with me. As soon as I walked in with photographer Yu Tsai, Paul came straight up to me, forcibly grabbed my breasts and started feeling them — playing with them actually. After I pushed him away, he said, 'I'm making sure they're real.' Kate continued to describe several disturbing examples of unprofessional behavior from Paul in her detailed interview. The model then said, "I'm sick of being silenced and expected to sweep everything under the rug. I'm sick of being expected to laugh off these aggressive advances and accept the power imbalances that exist. I'm sick of being expected to endure all of this while being polite and professional through it all."

更新2月2日,2018年:保罗Marciano应对凯特·厄普顿的性行为不端的指控,声称他是震惊,不会道歉,因为他并没有做错什么。在声明TMZ,梅林说:“(他)不能算出她对他声称“他”既不触动了厄普顿也与这位25岁的超模独处。”He went on to say, "If she has a claim, there's one place to tell the truth and that's in court or to the police." The fashion executive finished his statement by saying, "the company decided to cut ties with her . . . and this might be her motivation."


最初的发布:凯特·厄普顿,还有著名的模型如Hailey鲍德温和吉吉哈迪德,出演猜活动吗。詹妮弗·洛佩兹只是加冕老想女孩(她的品牌的脸的春天18运动)。但是现在,凯特是公开反对保罗Marciano,公司的创始人之一。1月31日,凯特在推特上写道,“这是令人失望的,这样的一个标志性女性品牌@GUESS仍让保罗Marciano # metoo创意总监。”

标签# MeToo开始后哈维•韦恩斯坦丑闻作为一种女性被性骚扰的分享自己的故事强调问题的严重性。尽管凯特不指定,或者,保罗对她做过任何个人或其他模型,她reshare Instagram帐户相同的消息。我们都伸出手来想评论的争议。



