


对艾米丽,这是复杂的试图向孩子们解释她的职业生涯。她继续说道,“有人在学校明确表示。我想,“嗯。。。不,我不认为我是。霾,有人对你说了吗?”她说,“是的”,但是她不会透露更多,你知道的,但很奇怪。这很奇怪。”Emily wants to avoid her daughters feeling "any more important or special or that there's a glare on them any more than other kids."

艾米丽是“激动”如果淡褐色和紫色可以保持不知道关于她的名人地位“最长的时间。”And she might be in luck because "they don't even want to see what I do," she said. "They don't even like it when I put on make-up. They don't like any of it! They just want me to be their mommy." And if the girls want to pursue their own acting career? Emily would like to avoid that path as much as possible. "God no — no! Please God keep them off the stage."