
Bridgerton S2:西蒙·阿什利和Charithra Chandran会面

Sharma姐妹:西蒙·阿什利和Charithra Chandran加入“Bridgerton”

Bridgerton。R (L) Charithra Chandran Edwina沙玛,西蒙·阿什利Bridgerton凯特Sharma 202集。Cr。利亚姆丹尼尔/ Netflix©2022

很多事情独立的第一个“Bridgerton”第二季,但最令人兴奋而且毫无疑问Sharma家族。金宝搏app凯特和埃德温娜组成的,玩的西蒙·阿什利Charithra ChandranSharmas一家的到来增添了另一层表示already-inclusive时期戏剧,我们在这里。之前,两个季节的首映3月25日,我们赶上了阿什利和Chandran谈论加入演员的“Bridgerton”,期待Sharma家庭,什么Regency-inspired覆盖他们本赛季最兴奋的配乐。金宝搏app

我们想象,加入大获成功的Netflix秀的演员压倒性的,但看来“Bridgerton”张开双臂欢迎阿什利河和Chandran。”有很多Instagram DM滑动,”阿什利告诉POPSUGAR,补充道,“剧组的每个人都很热情友善,只发送一个消息,只是了解压倒性的和令人兴奋的感觉。”According to Chandran, the pair had "the ideal first day, because it was like a baptism of fire. It was a such a large group scene, so we got to meet everyone straight out of the gate. We met everyone at once, and it was the perfect way to do it."



其中的一个主要集中在两个季埃德温娜之间的三角恋爱、凯特和安东尼,故事情节阿什利说“真的代表爱的埃德温娜和凯特之间的关系。”"What's so special about it is the roles kind of reverse a little bit throughout the series," she says. "You first see Kate being this incredibly protective sister — sometimes maybe a little too overly protective — and Edwina is obviously this diamond."

在本系列的后面,似乎,埃德温娜变得更专注,和观众见证了相当大的转变她的性格的发展。“事实上,凯特学习更多从埃德温娜系列的推移,我认为弧是很有趣的,”阿什利说。“Charithra性能是如此强大,砰地一声。即使在幕后在这一集,你真的找到这个家庭中的深度。”金宝搏appShe adds: "It all really comes to a head and comes to life; it's a really earned moment as well. What I like about the Sharmas is that there is a bit of a sense of mystery to them. The stakes are high for them. They have to be protective of themselves. It's kind of like a spy pact. You really then slowly start to get through the cracks and see what this family's about and what the history is. They have to fall apart to then bond, to become much stronger together."

Sharmas一家的到来的令人兴奋的一个方面,特别是南亚观众的宝莱坞歌曲第2季的配乐。轨道是一个标志性的标题歌曲的宝莱坞电影,“Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham,“这数百万观众的共鸣,在印度移民。

Bridgerton。R (L) Charithra Chandran Edwina沙玛,西蒙·阿什利·凯特·沙玛,乔纳森·贝利,安东尼Bridgerton Bridgerton集207。Cr。利亚姆丹尼尔/ Netflix©2022


这首歌的意义没有去注意Chandran,。”那部电影,那首歌是宝莱坞的主食。每个人的了,”她说。”这首歌时,我立刻停了一下,短信克里斯,说,“这真的让我感动的流泪。“这是我的两个世界的碰撞,我认为当你成长为移民的孩子,有时很难算出你的身份。你有时不知道你属于的地方。(听到这首歌)是其中的一个决定性时刻你去哪里,“啊,好吧。现在我懂了。我都可以,我都可以做。尤其是那首歌,这是一个家庭的歌,它背后有一个伟大的意义,我认为现场也代表了。金宝搏app For me, it was like, 'Wow, that's kind of indicative of my identity, and I love that.' It was really special, and I'm so grateful."

