

在第一集中的“女绿巨人。”詹妮弗·沃尔特斯(塔蒂阿娜Maslany)和她的表弟布鲁斯横幅(Mark Ruffalo)——也就是绿巨人一起开车旅行。他们有一个好的时间享受开放的道路,但他们的精神对话中断时遭到外星飞船。詹妮弗帮助她表弟逃脱他的汽车的残骸,她接触到他的血液——绿巨人给她自己的权力。


谁是Sakaarans ?

Sakaarans, aka Sakaarians(布鲁斯是指在“女绿巨人”),是一个外来物种从地球Sakaar。他们出现在“托尔:黑暗世界,”“银河系的守护者”,“托尔:世界毁灭,”和“复仇者:结局。”While some Sakaarans still live on their home planet, many work as soldiers for hire, like in "The Dark World," "GOTG," and "Endgame."

他们在“托尔:世界毁灭”的角色是最有帮助的,不过,在理解他们的出现在“女绿巨人”。Most of "Ragnarok" takes place on Sakaar, which is run by the Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum). The planet is surrounded by wormholes that bring space junk to its surface. Most of the residents are Sakaarans, but there are also stray species from around the universe with nowhere else to go.

绿巨人碰撞结束后落在某个时候Sakaar“复仇者:傲超能的时代。”He gets forced into the Contest of Champions and emerges the winner. When Thor (Chris Hemsworth) ends up there, too, he faces off against the Hulk. Eventually, the duo escape, and in the process, they cause a revolution on Sakaar. During“世界毁灭”剧终感谢现场面对人,祝贺他们,大师。“没有人不能有一场革命推翻!”他说之前宣布起义“领带”。What happened on Sakaar next is anyone's guess.


