


朋友,从左:大卫施维默,珍妮弗·安妮斯顿,找一个地方罗斯发现,(第2季,ep。207年11月9日播出,1995),1994 - 2004。照片:罗伯特·伊森博格华纳兄弟/礼貌:埃弗雷特收集图片来源:埃弗雷特集合
时标志性的电视“他们会吗?不会吗?”夫妇,盖勒·罗斯和瑞秋格林朋友非常高的排名。之间的化学詹妮弗•安妮斯顿在那些早期的季节和大卫施维默强烈,感谢最近的朋友团聚在HBO马克斯,我们现在知道为什么。“第一季,我有一个主要的迷恋珍,“施维默共享,安妮斯顿之前迅速地补充道,“这是回报。”Although their crush was mutual, they never acted upon it in real life. "At some point, we were both crushing hard on each other, but it was like two ships passing. One of us was always in a relationship, and we never crossed that boundary," Schwimmer explained. "Bullsh*t," Matt LeBlanc jokingly added.

安妮斯顿回忆思考如何“是这样一个游手好闲的人,如果你和我第一次亲吻。。。在国家电视台。”And that's exactly what ended up happening. Since they weren't able to realize these feelings in their personal lives, they utilized them for Ross and Rachel's first kiss outside of Central Perk. "Sure enough, the first time we kissed was in that coffee shop. We just channeled all of our adoration and love for each other into罗斯和瑞秋”,安妮斯顿说。

如果他们认为他们一直保持这个大秘密的集团,他们排练的行为背叛了他们。“我想回到第一个一两年,你知道的,当我们从排练休息,有时间我们会拥抱在沙发上,“施维默告诉主持人詹姆斯·戈登主演。“我想,每个人都不知道我们是怎么相互粉碎吗?’”马修派瑞柯特妮·考克斯几乎异口同声的回答,“我们知道。”Guess the reunion actually is "The One Where Everybody Finds Out."
