大流行做Kacey Musgraves意识到她的婚姻不是工作:“我感觉坏了”

当Kacey Musgraves和Ruston凯利2020年7月提出离婚回来,这对夫妇宣布了他们通过的联合声明美联社。“我们一起做了这个痛苦的决定——健康的决定,之后很长一段在尽力而为。它仅仅只是没有工作,”声明中写道。“虽然我们分离方法在婚姻中,我们将继续我们生活的真正的朋友。我们不谴责,愤怒,或者相互蔑视,我们要求隐私和积极的愿望既是我们学习如何浏览这个。”Since then, both have remained relatively quiet about the split, however, Kacey recently opened up about what went wrong.

她2月采访《滚石》杂志的声明,Kacey重申“它仅仅只是没有成功。”"It's two people who love each other so much, but for so many reasons, it just didn't work. I mean, seasons change. Our season changed," she explained to the publication. "Part of me questions marriage as a whole, in general. I mean, I was open to it when it came into my life. I embraced it. I just have to tell myself I was brave to follow through on those feelings . . . I think I live best by myself. I think it's OK to realize that."

这位32岁的歌手也反映在她的生活发生了多大的改变,因为晚上她赢得了在2019年格莱美年度最佳唱片的奖项。“如果你会告诉我,晚上的格莱美奖,“嘿,在两年内,你要离婚了和有写不同的专辑,我一直在想,“F * ck。不。没有办法,”她共享世界时装之苑6月/ 7月的问题。然后,她透露,她“另一个几年可以摸样”在她的婚姻如果没有大流行。当时,她感到她不是”关注她的感受”或“真正的处理一些事情。”While she felt on top of her career, in her personal life, she felt like she was "dying inside." "I was crumbling. I was sad. I felt lonely. I felt broken," she said. "My grandparents met when they were in second and third grade, and they're still together in their 80s . . . It was hard to not feel like I was in some ways a failure." Eventually, though, she realized that "there's nothing more shameful than staying somewhere where you don't fit anymore."


Kacey Ruston第一2016年10月开始约会,和在圣诞夜订婚吗同年。2017年10月,这对夫妇结婚在一个森林的婚礼在田纳西州。他们在2020年7月,申请离婚,两个月后,二人正式离婚。Kacey已经浪漫与杰拉尔德·奥诺博士